
Celebrating International Migrants Day in Georgia

On 12 December 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – UN Migration Agency, Mission to Georgia, celebrated the International Migrants Day with the representatives of Government of Georgia, Embassies and diplomatic representations, UN agencies and International Organizations, non-governmental organizations, and migrants. 
People on the move are powerful drivers for development in both their origin and destination countries, as workers, students, entrepreneurs, family members, artists, and much more. Migrants often maintain strong connections to their home countries while embracing their new communities, where they bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and skill.  

Mrs. Sanja Celebic Lukovac, IOM Georgia Chief of Mission, emphasized that International Migrants Day provide a moment to reflect on and celebrate the contributions of millions of migrants worldwide. 

Dr. Sabine Machl, UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia, highlighted that “Migration is a complex and multifaceted issue. It can power economic growth, reduce inequalities, and unite diverse societies.  Addressing migration challenges is crucial for creating a more just, equitable, and prosperous world for all, in line with our 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

H.E. Vladimer Konstantinidi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia delivered welcoming remarks, highlighting that “International Migrants Day, holds profound significance in recognizing the courage, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide. It’s the occasion, when we reflect upon achievements and challenges of those who are on the move. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our host – IOM – for continued commitment to celebrate the occasion and honor the contribution of migrants, every year, with different events and tailored endeavors.” Deputy Minister Konstantinidi also emphasized that “Migration is undoubtedly seen as a way to transform societies into more inclusive, culturally diverse and economically strong communities. Migration is inserted and reflected in global development agenda goals and targets. At the same time, I am here to bring to your attention, once again, the inseparable part of migration – which is transnational communities and agents of change – Diasporas.” 

Ms. Ketevan Betlemidze, Chairperson of the Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, highlighted that “Migration is a rapidly developing and changing sphere and with that suggesting different kind of new challenges, which could be addressed by joint efforts and coordinated action only. In such a situation having an effective and well-experienced partner is of vital importance. In the case of Georgia one of such partners’ is a member of UN family – IOM, which individually and in cooperation with European Union assists our country in establishing a well-managed and an effective migration management system.”