The International Organization for Migration (IOM), established world-wide in 1951, has been represented in Georgia since 1993 and is the leading international organization in the field of migration.

IOM implements numerous initiatives in Georgia with the support of the EU, for the benefit of state agencies as well as individual migrants. Key EU-funded activities of IOM concern capacity building in enhancing the security of Georgia's borders, advancing standards of migration governance and protection of migrants’ rights. In the context of Georgia’s visa-free travel to the Schengen Zone, IOM attaches particular importance to informing potential migrants of the realities of migration to Europe and thus promote safe migration opportunities and legal pathways.

This Visa Free webpage operates with the support of the European Union. It serves as an information platform for the population of Georgia at large and potential migrants in particular.


EU funded

This webpage has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of IOM and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.