
IOM's Training Course on International Recruitment Policies and Practices

On 18 November 2021, IOM Georgia organized the online training on International Recruitment Policies and Practices.

The representatives of the Labour Migration Division of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Labour Inspection Office participated in the training.  The training sessions were led by the representatives of IOM Headquarters, with the involvement of invited experts from the UK.

The participants were introduced to different regulatory measures for preventing unethical recruitment. They engaged in interactive group exercises on the purpose of regulation of the recruitment activities, discussions on how countries of origin and destination can work together to strengthen monitoring and enforcement and how governments can improve access to remedy for migrant workers.

The training was conducted within the frames of the EU-funded Project "Sustaining Border Management and Migration Governance in Georgia”.

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth