
Unlocking the Potential of Diaspora Engagement: IOM Hosts Workshop on Powerful Partnerships

On March 12-13, 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a workshop called “Powerful Partnerships: Unlocking the Potential of Diaspora Engagement” for the officials from the executive and legislative branches of government. The workshop was part of the “Harnessing Inclusive Global Alliances for Diaspora Engagement” project, funded by the IOM Development Fund. The workshop aimed to explore the power of partnerships in leveraging diaspora engagement for sustainable development.

During the workshop, participants explored the benefits of partnering with diasporas for programming, tools and methods to accelerate and maximize diaspora engagement for development, the value of multi-stakeholder partnerships and sectoral specialized approaches in diaspora engagement, and best practices from Georgia in diaspora engagement. 

The workshop was a follow-up to the inaugural Global Diaspora Summit, co-hosted by IOM and the Government of Ireland and other participating states in 2022. The summit culminated in the adoption of the “Dublin Declaration,” a landmark outcome document that serves as a comprehensive agenda for global diaspora engagement. As part of the summit’s outcomes, a commitment was made to establish the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA), aimed at fostering inclusive collaboration across governments and stakeholders to empower diasporas for sustainable development.

Diaspora communities serve as essential bridges connecting host and home communities, reducing gaps, and mobilizing resources to foster meaningful partnerships. For decades, IOM has collaborated with Member States, diaspora communities, and partners to highlight the benefits of partnering with diasporas.

SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals