“Winning in IOM grants competition and the chance to build up my own business gave me huge motivation. I realized that there was an opportunity for me to regain my energy and make a fresh start over again,“ - Gizo Tsintsadze.

Gizo Tsintsadze used to be an emigrant for 8 years, in the beginning he lived and worked in Germany and later, during COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 he and his family migrated to Ukraine, in the city of Kharkiv. During the very first days of migration, he got a job in plastic processing plant and was much contented, as he had financial independence, good income to feed the family and wasn’t planning to return.

In February 2022, Russia started war in Ukraine, the city of Kharkiv was immediately bombed, thus Gizo and his family had to spend many days in bunker, weren’t able to get outside and such situation was a red line for them to leave the country and get bet to Georgia. Though the road back was not easy, for 7 days they had to overcome multiple difficulties finally ending up in Georgia in March 2022. The family left everything they owned in Ukraine and hardly survivors had to start over again in their homeland, Guria.   

Later, Gizo learnt about the grants’ competition initiated in the framework of the IOM “Sustainable Reintegration and Community Revitalization Pilot Initiative in Communities of Return” project. It’s worth mentioning that IOM-established information-consultation-referral center “Service Hub” located in Chokhatauri provided him with this much needed info. 

The potential beneficiary got interested an in partnership with the local non-migrant Ketevan Gamikhtashvili prepared a business-idea – “Soplis Sheneba” - offering service to take care of agriculture lands, as well as outdoor and indoor facilities. The initiative got selected and before launching, the partners received all necessary equipment and tools, as well as targeted trainings and professional consultations for smooth start.

“Winning in IOM grants competition and the chance to build up my own business gave me huge motivation. I realized that there was an opportunity for me to regain my energy and make a fresh start over again. After receiving the necessary equipment, I employed 3 local residents and me and my team are trying to respond to the demands on time by offering high quality service. I must say that the demand is pretty high not only from the locals but from other municipalities too. I’m more than happy that now I can be functional and successful in my own country,” said Gizo Tsintsadze.

The business initiative was funded with GEL 14, 650 in 2022 and the beneficiary was awarded 19 various kinds of electric equipment and other necessary tools. Since than he’s been running the business successfully and has plans for future growth.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) implemented “Sustainable Reintegration and Community Revitalization Pilot Initiative in Communities of Return” project, through the financial support of International Development Fund (IDF) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 2020-2023.


Photo by IOM Georgia