“I won’t exaggerate if I say that, IOM inspired us to start up a business, which prevented us from migrating again and enabled to stay in our country with our families,” - Paata Burchuladze, one of the owners of SALTE” LTD iron-concrete multi-profile manufacturing enterprise, from Ozurgeti

Nugzar Gorgadze, Zviad Kikvadze and Paata Burchuladze, who has currently been running a multi-profile iron-concrete multi-profile manufacturing enterprise in Ozurgeti, Guria, became partners through IOM support. All three used to live abroad in various countries for several years, where they gained professional experience in the field of iron and concrete manufacturing. Though, they still returned to Georgia willing to share their much valuable experience in their homeland and start up a business.  

Nugzar, Zviad and Paata participated in the grants’ competition opened in the frames of IOM “Sustainable Reintegration and Community Revitalization Pilot Initiative in Communities of Return” project. It’s worth mentioning that they weren’t partners from the very beginning, all three applied separately, though, the info-sessions and individual meetings with the potential beneficiaries, as well as specific proposal-writing trainings offered to them, made it clear that, it would be better to unite the business-ideas presented by Nugzar, Zviad and Paata and offer the customers a unique service – iron-concrete multi-profile small enterprise.   

Now the multi-profile small enterprise under the name “Salte” LTD is located in Ozurgeti, which through IOM support was awarded 34 various types of high-quality modern equipment and necessary tools, with the total cost of GEL 23 034.60.  

“I won’t exaggerate if I say that, IOM inspired us to start up a business, which prevented us from migrating again and enabled to stay in our country with our families. We gained much valuable theoretical knowledge at the trainings initiated and held by the organization, which are useful not only in this specific case, but give us chance to participate in other competitions to extend our business and make is much more successful and profitable in future,” said Paata Burchuladze.    

Currently “Salte” LTD, which is a total novelty not only in the municipality, but in Giria region in general, offers complex service to the costumers including manufacturing and installation of all kinds of iron fences, handrails, barriers, etc, though it’s also planned to extend the profile and add additional services upon request.   

International Organization for Migration (IOM) implemented “Sustainable Reintegration and Community Revitalization Pilot Initiative in Communities of Return” project, through the financial support of International Development Fund (IDF) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 2020-2023.


Photo by IOM Georgia